Force Move is a multiplayer game that is just like your basic Tic Tac Toe game, but with a twist! Each space on the mega grid has a mini-grid within it.

Your goal: claim one of the mini-grids to win the ENTIRE game!

As the first move, Player 1 can place their star on any of the 81 squares. Player 2 will then be forced to place their star on the mini-grid that corresponds to Player 1’s previous move. For Player 1’s next turn, they are forced to play in the corresponding grid to Player 2’s previous move.

Check the dot in the scoreboard to see whose turn it is. Click on player icons at the beginning of the game to select which player starts first.

To win a mini-game, make a row of three, just like Tic Tac Toe. Win on any ONE of the mini-grids and win the ENTIRE game!

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